RAISE has developed a wide range of learning units for K12 AI Literacy that are available under Creative Commons licensing

MIT AI Literacy Units

Usage and Creative Commons licensing terms are specified with each unit.

If you are an educator who wants to bring AI Literacy to your school, please check out our professional development opportunities.

Computational Action

RAISE AI Playground

Interactive AI made easy, creative, and fun.

DAILy Curriculum for Middle School

App Inventor

App Inventor is a visual, block-based programming language for building mobile apps. See Tutorials (https://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/tutorials)

Rock Paper Scissors Tutorial

MIT App Inventor
Use Rock Paper Scissors to create a program that allows the machine to observe and learn from its user’s game choices using a Markov Model!

Therapist Bot Tutorial

MIT App Inventor
Can an app on your phone be your next therapist? This tutorial will show you how to make your own therapist bot app using App Inventor.

Dancing with AI

Personal Robots Group, MIT Media Lab
Dancing with AI is a curriculum for middle school students to build interactive AI projects using a series of new Scratch extensions allowing for natural interaction.

Facemesh Camera Filter

MIT App Inventor
Would you like to make your own facial filters? In this tutorial, we use facial landmark detection to create a filter camera using a new AI technology called Facemesh.

How to Train Your Robot

Personal Robots Group, MIT Media Lab
Bringing AI to middle school during Massachusetts STEM Week with i2 Learning.

Personal Image Classifier: PICaboo

MIT App Inventor
Students will learn how to train their own image classification model and program an app that can play peekaboo.